Plugin Tag: shopping cart
Shopp + Wufoo
(0 total ratings)Customers who make a purchase from your WordPress e-commerce store are added to a specified form on Wufoo.
X-Cart Integration
(5 total ratings)X-Cart Integration plugin allows you integrate X-Cart shopping cart to any Wordpress site in a few minutes.
Shopp + Mobile Notifications
(0 total ratings)Merchants who have a WordPress e-commerce store are notified of new orders via a text message to their mobile phone.
Shopp + Constant Contact
(0 total ratings)Customers who opt-in to email marketing from your WordPress e-commerce website during checkout are added to a specified list on Constant Contact.
Content Shelf Shopping Cart
(0 total ratings)Content Shelf is shopping cart software for selling digital content, tangible products, services, subscriptions and gift cards.
FireStorm Shopping Cart eCommerce Plugin
(2 total ratings)This professional eCommerce plugin gives you the ability to run an advanced online store with an easy to use shopping cart.
OrderStorm eCommerce Custom Files Manager
(2 total ratings)The plugin allows customization of CSS files in a separate folder for the OrderStorm eCommerce plugin.
Freightview for WooCommerce
(2 total ratings)Give your customers real freight quotes from your WooCommerce store with Freightview.
Simple ParsPal Shopping Cart
(1 total ratings)Very easy to use Simple WordPress ParsPal Shopping Cart Plugin. Great for selling products online in one click from your WordPress site.
E-Commerce by SalesCart
(1 total ratings)SalesCart is a fully featured, complete Shopping Cart solution that can be added in under 15 mins to any WP theme. Use SalesCart for FREE today.
OrderStorm E-commerce
(2 total ratings)Cloud e-commerce with robust order management, automated drop-ship POs, quotes, digital downloads, automotive applications and sports camp management
WordPress Checkout
(0 total ratings)Turn your post into products or add multiple products into your posts.
Shopp + Campaign Monitor
(0 total ratings)Customers who opt-in to email marketing from your WordPress e-commerce site during checkout are added to a specified list on Campaign Monitor.
MarkeKing Floating Cart
(1 total ratings)A lightweigt, blazing fast plugin to display the contents of the shopping cart in floating box
OKPAY Payment gateway
(0 total ratings)This payment module extends WooCommerce and allows you to accept payments via OKPAY.
(0 total ratings)Roman Cart Wordpress Plugin Std easily link Wordpress to a RomanCart shopping cart, no html required!
OrderStorm WordPress Toolbox
(0 total ratings)A plugin containing code snipets to re-implement WordPress default widgets (recent posts, categories, archives) as shortcode.
WooCommerce Mobile App Source Code by i2CSMobile
(0 total ratings)Complete ionic mobile app integration for Woocommerce Backend. Easily configurable with existing Woocommerce online shopping site via this plugin.
Shopp + Video Tutorials
(0 total ratings)Learn how to use the Shopp e-commerce plugin from your WordPress admin.
Easy Digital Downloads Payment Gateway – CashBill
(0 total ratings)CashBill is easy to use electronic payment system. You can integrate our payment package with your website and offer customers secure payments.