Plugin Tag: taxonomies
WP REST API – All Terms
(3 total ratings)This plugin include all existing terms into separate WordPress REST API (v2) endpoint.
PhotoPress – Image Taxonomies
(3 total ratings)This plugin extracts EXIF and XMP meta-data of uploaded images for use in populating a variety of photo specific taxonomies.
Debug Bar Taxonomies
(0 total ratings)Debug Bar Taxonomies adds a new panel to the Debug Bar with detailed information about registered taxonomies. Requires "Debug Bar" plugin.
WP Category Images
(1 total ratings)Simple plugin that permits to images to Categories, Tags and Custom Taxonomies.
Filter Post Types by Taxonomy
(2 total ratings)Quickly filter posts by taxonomy on your admin screens!
Colored Categories
(2 total ratings)Use this plugin to attach a color to each of your categories, Great for creating a distinguishing look for each category on your site.
Automatic Expiration for Categories
(8 total ratings)With this plugin you will be able to set an expiration date for certain categories assigned to posts and products.
Convert custom fields to custom taxonomies
(3 total ratings)The two major systems for adding data to posts in WordPress are custom taxonomies and custom fields. This plugin is useful to convert custom fields in …
User Posts Per Page
(1 total ratings)Allows the user to dynamically set the number of posts to show per page on category pages, tag pages, author pages and all other archive pages.
AI Product Categories for Woocommerce
(0 total ratings)Get smart category suggestions for woocommerce products.
Admin users advanced permissions
(1 total ratings)Set up permissions for categories and taxonomies to admin users whose role is not "administrator"
Automatic Galleries
(0 total ratings)Create automatic galleries in posts based on media categories or tags. Saves time by automatically creating WordPress galleries using custom categori …
Post Taxonomy Column
(1 total ratings)Tested up to 3.2.1 Stable tag: trunk Add columns to the All Posts, All Pages and custom post types for any taxonomies.
MU Central Taxonomies
(3 total ratings)On a multisite network, this makes a child site use the main site's categories and taxonomies instead of its own.
Foxdell Folio Taxonomy Toolkit
(0 total ratings)Have finer control over your taxonomies so that you can have better organisation of your posts by using taxonomies other than just Categories and Tags …