Plugin Tag: subscription
Newsletter – Send awesome emails from WordPress
(1.180 total ratings)An email marketing tool for your blog: subscription forms to create your lists with unlimited subscribers and newsletters.
Subscribe to Comments
(14 total ratings)Subscribe to Comments allows commenters on an entry to subscribe to e-mail notifications for subsequent comments.
Subscribe2 – Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters
(114 total ratings)Sends a list of subscribers an email notification when you publish new posts.
WCFM Membership – WooCommerce Memberships for Multivendor Marketplace
(23 total ratings)A simple woocommerce memberships plugin for offering free and premium subscription for your multi-vendor marketplace – WCFM Marketplace, WC Vendors &a …
Paid Membership Subscriptions – Effortless Memberships, Recurring Payments & Content Restriction
(236 total ratings)Feature-packed membership plugin for creating subscription plans, adding recurring payments & content restriction on your membership site.
weMail – Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Optin Forms, Email Newsletters, A/B Testing, and Automation
(29 total ratings)Send email newsletter, automation, blog post notifications, build email lists with signup forms, and manage subscribers – all within WordPress.
WP Subscribe
(26 total ratings)WP Subscribe is a simple but powerful subscription plugin which supports MailChimp, Aweber and Feedburner.
Subscriptions for WooCommerce – WooCommerce Subscription Plugin for Collecting Recurring Revenue, Offer Subscription Box, Sell Subscription Services & Products
(121 total ratings)With Subscriptions for WooCommerce, turn your physical or online store into a WooCommerce product subscription store and avail recurring revenue.
(0 total ratings)A WordPress plugin for monetizing websites by enabling paid articles, subscriptions(memberships), and tipping.
Subscriptions & Memberships for PayPal
(12 total ratings)A simple and easy way to sell subscriptions and / or memberships with PayPal. No Coding Required. Official PayPal Partner.
SiteGround Email Marketing
(4 total ratings)Lead generation plugin that will allow you to add subsription forms and use them for automatic lead submission to SiteGround Email Marketing service.
Recurring PayPal Donations
(10 total ratings)Accept PayPal subscription or recurring donation payment from your WordPress site easily.
Doppler Forms
(4 total ratings)Crea Formularios con la misma estética de tu web o blog. Conéctalos con Doppler y envía a tus contactos automáticamente a Listas de Suscriptores.
Comment Notifier
(10 total ratings)Add the new comment subscription option to the blog comment form.
Subscription Options
(0 total ratings)Adds subscription option icons for your RSS Feed; your FeedBurner Email Service; your Twitter Stream and your Facebook page. Totally user-defined.
WP Subscription Forms – Subscription Form Plugin for WordPress
(1 total ratings)Create unlimited subscription forms effortlessly with our user-friendly tool. Collect subscribers directly in WP Backend and export them to CSV.
Subscribe to Unlock Lite – Opt In Content Locker Plugin for WordPress
(10 total ratings)Lock your content using our Subscription Form and collect email address and grow your subscribers organically. 5 pre designed template, 2 lock modes, …
Subscribe to Download Lite – Download after Email Subscription Form WordPress Plugin
(3 total ratings)Capture subscribers right from your WordPress site by simply providing them freebies to download through email after successful subscription
Paystack MemberPress
(1 total ratings)A Memberpress Payment Gateway integration with Paystack for membership subscriptions.